Hi Carolyn!

Just wanted to let you know that Stella is up to date on all of her shots and growing like a weed! Also, our vet was thoroughly impressed with the records you provided us and said it was unusual to see such detailed information from a breeder – THANK YOU! Because of your hard work, we saved money on some tests that he normally ran on new puppies, but could see it wasn’t necessary with Stella. She is now 12 pounds FULL of energy! I really can’t believe how fast she’s growing. I hope the picture I’m attaching sends right… it was taken at her first trip to the Riverwalk by the Gervais St. bridge last weekend. While our poodle Sax is rather snobby about water, Stella showed no signs of being afraid of it. It was too cold still to let her try to get in, but she ran right out on the rocks! I check your website regularly, and see that you’re very busy bringing joy to lots of other people with your gorgeous puppies. As I told you before, please let us know if you ever need a reference. I hope the other puppies from Stella’s litter are doing well.

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